2024. Democratização é o processo de aumento da qualidade da democracia. Essa é a tendência de longo prazo, mas há momentos em que a democracia retrocde - perde qualidade.
2024. Democratização é o processo de aumento da qualidade da democracia. Essa é a tendência de longo prazo, mas há momentos em que a democracia retrocde - perde qualidade.
2020. In rich countries, the authoritarian character of right-wing populism does not mean that democracy is dying. It is a reaction to neoliberalism which in the last 40 years didn't improve the sort of the white lower middle-class. (Lua Nova-Revista de Cultura Política) English version available.
2020. In rich countries, the authoritarian character of right-wing populism does not mean that democracy is dying. It is a reaction to neoliberalism which in the last 40 years didn't improve the sort of the white lower middle-class. Portuguese version available.
2011. The final version of this paper is Democracy and capitalist revolution,but I decided to conserve this earlier version. (Working Paper EESP/FGV 149, month???)
2019. Survey of book by Yascha Mounk. Liberal democracy is in crisis. It could not be otherwise because neoliberals see it as the ideal form of society. (Article in Quatro Cinco Um-Revista dos Livros)
2017. Countries turn consolidated democracies after their industrial revolution which they made in authoritarian regimes. Today, pre-industrial countries are supposed to be democratic before their industrial revolutions. (Paper in the BJPE)
2015. Countries turn consolidated democracies after their industrial revolution which they made in authoritarian regimes. Today, pre-industrial countries are supposed to be democratic before their industrial revolutions.
2014. Countries turn consolidated democracies after their industrial revolution which they made in authoritarian regimes. Today, pre-industrial countries are supposed to be democratic before their industrial revolutions. (EESP/FGV discussion paper 367)
2015.. Bresser-Pereira speaks about his life, PSDB, PT, and Brazil, which lost the idea of nation. (interview to Leandro Fontoura, Zero Hora)
2014. Liberais afirmam que o decreto sobre participação social implica o risco do surgimento de "um poder paralelo". Puro nonsense (article: Folha de S.Paulo).
2011. Transition to democracy can happen before the capitalist revolution, but democratic consolidation depends that it is "completed", i.e., that economic surplus is appropriated in the market. (Paper: Dados).
2012. Transition to democracy can happen before the capitalist revolution, but democratic consolidation depends that it is "completed", i.e., that economic surplus is appropriated in the market. (Paper: Économie Appliquée) Versão atualizada de Why did democracy become the preferred political regime only in the twentieth century
2010. Democratization is the improvement of the quality of democracy. Besides reduction of political inequality, it requires reduction of economic inequality. (Paper for the Festschrift of José Maria Maravall).
2009. A consolidated democracy requires a capable state, a strong nation and an active civil society. The quality of democracy must be improved but it is a mistake to o include in the concept of democracy more than its minimum, procedural, requirements. (Paper)
2008. Only in early twentieth century the bourgeoisie accepted democracy. The new historical fact that led to to democracy was the capitalist revolution. The final version of this paper is Democracy and capitalist revolution.
2005. The rise of the professional middle class, knowledge as the new strategic factor of production, and democracy. English version available. (Paper: Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais)
2005. Participative and republican democracy is the third historical form of democracy - a form that is just emerging. Previously we had "elites democracy", and "public opinions democracy", which is the present dominant form. (Paper: Novos Estudos CEBRAP)*
2004. With Cunill Grau, Garnier, Oszlak and Przeworski. The relations between politics and public management. Book by the members of CLAD's Scientific Council. (Edited book: CLAD)
Helio Jaguaribe (2004) "Democracy of public opinion". Paper in the Festricht of Bresser-Pereira, Em Busca do Novo. (Paper in edited book)
2004. The new state that is emerging in the developed countries is a republican state in so far as it is increasingly capable of protecting itself from rent-seeking or its capture by private interests. (Paper: Lua Nova)*